mysql error: sub-query returns more than 1 row

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-13 20:45:17


I am using two tables here projections_report p and access_rights a. I can't find out why I am getting the error:

subquery returns more than one row

(case when paramChannel='AllC' then p.gl_sal_chan in 
      (case when dc_lob=0 then (select distinct pr.gl_sal_chan from 
          projections_report pr) else (select distinct pr1.gl_sal_chan
                 from projections_report pr1 where pr1.gl_sal_chan 
                 in (select distinct a.gl_sal_chan from access_rights 
                 a where a.userid= paramUserId)) end) 
 else p.gl_sal_chan = paramChannel end)

I tried using all and any keywords. Please help.

Thanks in advance.


USE LIMIT in sub queries to return only one record as you are using distinct, it might return more than one record


I tried to do it in another way and got it right. Firstly I changed the statement in else condition of second case statement to

(select distinct gl_sal_chan from access_rights where userid = paramUserid)

as both return the same result(my bad) and secondly I changed the entire condition to

(case when (paramChannel = 'AllC' && dc_lob = 0) then '%' = '%' else 
    (case when (paramChannel='AllC' && dc_lob != 0) then 
    gl_sal_chan in (select distinct gl_sal_chan from access_rights where userid = paramUserid) 
else gl_sal_chan= paramChannel end)end)

Anyway Thanks @all :)

