How can I add more sources files to a target after the target has been created in cmake

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-13 01:51:32


I use the following example to show my question: suppose now I have created a target using the following commands in CMake:

add_custom_target(MyProject  SOURCES a.txt b.txt)

After this target is created, more files are put to the target, and in order to do that I use the following command:

   set(moreFiles c.txt d.txt e.txt)
   set_target_properties(MyProject PROPERTIES SOURCES  ${moreFiles})    

However, in VC the added files to the target is only c.txt, other files such as a.txt,b.txt,d.txt and e.txt are not available in the target. Anything I can do for improvement?


For non-trivial manipulations with properties, it's best to forego the shorthand functions like set_target_properties and use the full power of set_property:

set_property(TARGET MyProject APPEND PROPERTY SOURCES ${moreFiles})

If, for some reason, you'd want to keep using set_target_properties for that, you'd have to query the current value first, and quote the entire result:

get_property(currentFiles TARGET MyProject PROPERTY SOURCES)
set_target_properties(MyProject PROPERTIES SOURCES "${currentFiles};${moreFiles}")

The quoting is important, because the shorthand set_*_properties commands expect their arguments to be ... PROPERTIES prop1 value1 prop2 value2, that is, an alternating list of property names and values. Your original command set the property SOURCES to c.txt, and then the property d.txt to the value e.txt.

