Drop Columns with more than 60 Percent of “empty” Values in Pandas

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-12 08:54:55


I have got a dataframe like this:

import pandas as pd
data = {
    'c1': ['Test1','Test2','NULL','Test3',' ','Test4','Test4','Test1',"Test3"],
    'c2': [' ','Test1',' ','NULL',' ','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL'],
    'c3': [0,0,0,0,0,1,5,0,0],
    'c4': ['NULL', 'Test2', 'Test1','Test1', 'Test2', 'Test2','Test1','Test1','Test2']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

The dataframe looks like this:

    c1      c2      c3      c4
0   Test1           0       NULL
1   Test2   Test1   0       Test2
2   NULL            0       Test1
3   Test3   NULL    0       Test1
4                   0       Test2
5   Test4   NULL    1       Test2
6   Test4   NULL    5       Test1
7   Test1   NULL    0       Test1
8   Test3   NULL    0       Test2

I want to drop all columns, that have more than 60 % of "empty" values. "Empty" means in my case that the values are for example: ' ', 'NULL' or 0. There are strings (c1, c2, c4) as well as integers (c3).

The result should be a dataframe with columns c1 and c4 only.

    c1      c4
0   Test1   NULL
1   Test2   Test2
2   NULL    Test1
3   Test3   Test1
4           Test2
5   Test4   Test2
6   Test4   Test1
7   Test1   Test1
8   Test3   Test2

I have no idea how to handle that problem. Only thing that comes to my mind is something like

df.loc[:, (df != 0).any(axis=0)]

to delete all columns where all values are 0, 'NULL' and so on.


Use DataFrame.isin for check all formats and then get mean for treshold and filter by boolean indexing with loc:

print (df.isin([' ','NULL',0]))
      c1     c2     c3     c4
0  False   True   True   True
1  False  False   True  False
2   True   True   True  False
3  False   True   True  False
4   True   True   True  False
5  False   True  False  False
6  False   True  False  False
7  False   True   True  False
8  False   True   True  False

print (df.isin([' ','NULL',0]).mean())
c1    0.222222
c2    0.888889
c3    0.777778
c4    0.111111
dtype: float64

df = df.loc[:, df.isin([' ','NULL',0]).mean() < .6]
print (df)
      c1     c4
0  Test1   NULL
1  Test2  Test2
2   NULL  Test1
3  Test3  Test1
4         Test2
5  Test4  Test2
6  Test4  Test1
7  Test1  Test1
8  Test3  Test2


you can drop the columns using dropna thresh parameter:

In [58]: df = df.replace([0,' ','NULL'],np.nan)
In[59]: df
      c1     c2   c3     c4
0  Test1    NaN  NaN    NaN
1  Test2  Test1  NaN  Test2
2    NaN    NaN  NaN  Test1
3  Test3    NaN  NaN  Test1
4    NaN    NaN  NaN  Test2
5  Test4    NaN  1.0  Test2
6  Test4    NaN  5.0  Test1
7  Test1    NaN  NaN  Test1
8  Test3    NaN  NaN  Test2

In [60]: df.dropna(thresh=df.shape[0]*0.6,how='all',axis=1)
      c1     c4
0  Test1    NaN
1  Test2  Test2
2    NaN  Test1
3  Test3  Test1
4    NaN  Test2
5  Test4  Test2
6  Test4  Test1
7  Test1  Test1
8  Test3  Test2

