
How do I search a hash table?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-05-24 03:47:39
问题 I've just started learning about hash tables and I understand how to insert but not how to search. These are the algorithms I'll be basing this question off: Hashing the key int Hash (int key) { return key % 10; //table has a max size of 10 } Linear probing for collision resolution. Suppose I call insert twice with the keys 1, 11, and 21. This would return slot 1 for all 3 keys. After collision resolution the table would have the values 1, 11, and 21 at slots 1, 2, and 3. This is what I

How do I search a hash table?

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-05-24 03:47:25
问题 I've just started learning about hash tables and I understand how to insert but not how to search. These are the algorithms I'll be basing this question off: Hashing the key int Hash (int key) { return key % 10; //table has a max size of 10 } Linear probing for collision resolution. Suppose I call insert twice with the keys 1, 11, and 21. This would return slot 1 for all 3 keys. After collision resolution the table would have the values 1, 11, and 21 at slots 1, 2, and 3. This is what I

Is it correct to use the get_Keys() method for collections

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-05-13 18:56:28
问题 Related to this question: Can I add a key named 'keys' to a hashtable without overriding the 'keys' member , I am actually often using the get_Keys() method as the recommended PSBase property will just move the problem. In other words, this method appears especially handy for an unknown list of directory keys in case of a solution like: Powershell Merge 2 lists Performance. The method works as expected (also on other collections, any PowerShell version and .Net Core): $Hash = @{Keys = 'MyKeys

Does “put” overwrite existing values?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-05-10 03:40:47
问题 New to hashtables with a simple question. For some reason googling hasn't gotten me a straight answer. Say I've got an <int,String> hashtable set up: myHashtable.put(1,"bird"); myHashtable.put(2,"iguana"); and I want to change "bird" to "fish" (and leave the index the same). Can I just do a simple put , or do I need to delete the entry, or what? 回答1: Yes. If a mapping to the specified key already exists, the old value will be replaced (and returned). See Hashtable.put(). For multi-threaded

Does “put” overwrite existing values?

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-10 03:39:44
问题 New to hashtables with a simple question. For some reason googling hasn't gotten me a straight answer. Say I've got an <int,String> hashtable set up: myHashtable.put(1,"bird"); myHashtable.put(2,"iguana"); and I want to change "bird" to "fish" (and leave the index the same). Can I just do a simple put , or do I need to delete the entry, or what? 回答1: Yes. If a mapping to the specified key already exists, the old value will be replaced (and returned). See Hashtable.put(). For multi-threaded

Does “put” overwrite existing values?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-05-10 03:38:48
问题 New to hashtables with a simple question. For some reason googling hasn't gotten me a straight answer. Say I've got an <int,String> hashtable set up: myHashtable.put(1,"bird"); myHashtable.put(2,"iguana"); and I want to change "bird" to "fish" (and leave the index the same). Can I just do a simple put , or do I need to delete the entry, or what? 回答1: Yes. If a mapping to the specified key already exists, the old value will be replaced (and returned). See Hashtable.put(). For multi-threaded

Does PowerShell support HashTable Serialization?

无人久伴 提交于 2020-04-27 04:45:06
问题 If I want to write an object / HashTable to disk and load it up again later does PowerShell support that? 回答1: Sure, you can use PowerShell's native CliXml format: @{ a = 1 b = [pscustomobject]@{ prop = "value" } } | Export-Clixml -Path hashtable.ps1xml Deserialize with Import-CliXml: PS C:\> $ht = Import-CliXml hashtable.ps1xml PS C:\> $ht['b'].prop -eq 'value' True 回答2: The answer may depend on the data in your hashtable. For relatively simple data Export-Clixml and Import-CliXml is the

How to pass entire subroutine into hashtable data using perl?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-04-20 16:07:44
问题 I have the following subroutine which i should pass the routine as hashtable and that hashtable should be again called inside another subroutine using perl? input file(from linux command bdata): NAME PEND RUN SUSP JLIM JLIMR RATE HAPPY achandra 0 48 0 2000 50:2000 151217 100% agutta 1 5 0 100 50:100 16561 83% My subroutine: sub g_usrs_data() { my($lines) = @_; my $header_found = 0; my @headers = (); my $row_count = 0; my %table_data = (); my %row_data = (); $lines=`bdata`; #print $lines;

How to pass entire subroutine into hashtable data using perl?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-04-20 16:05:52
问题 I have the following subroutine which i should pass the routine as hashtable and that hashtable should be again called inside another subroutine using perl? input file(from linux command bdata): NAME PEND RUN SUSP JLIM JLIMR RATE HAPPY achandra 0 48 0 2000 50:2000 151217 100% agutta 1 5 0 100 50:100 16561 83% My subroutine: sub g_usrs_data() { my($lines) = @_; my $header_found = 0; my @headers = (); my $row_count = 0; my %table_data = (); my %row_data = (); $lines=`bdata`; #print $lines;

Print a hash table function (it does not work and the program it crashes)

一世执手 提交于 2020-04-18 00:53:17
问题 I just started to learn about hash tables.I have to write a program which displays and list a hash table.The keys are a list of words from a txt file which is a dictionary. I wrote the code but I got a breakpoint in main file when I call the list function to print the table.The program crashes.How to fix it ?The list function is in functions file. Here is code I wrote: main file #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "header.h" using namespace std; int main() { elem