
idris-mode – Buffer has no process

我的梦境 提交于 2020-02-03 08:57:28
问题 I'm new to emacs (coming from vim, where I can't get idris-vim to work) and have these packages installed via el-get: ace-jump-mode installed A quick cursor location minor mode for emacs. el-get installed Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon. evil-leader installed Add <leader> shortcuts to Evil, the extensible vim emulation layer evil-numbers installed Increment/decrement numbers in Evil, the extensible vim emulation layer. Like C-a/C-x in vim. After installation, you

idris-mode – Buffer has no process

点点圈 提交于 2020-02-03 08:56:26
问题 I'm new to emacs (coming from vim, where I can't get idris-vim to work) and have these packages installed via el-get: ace-jump-mode installed A quick cursor location minor mode for emacs. el-get installed Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon. evil-leader installed Add <leader> shortcuts to Evil, the extensible vim emulation layer evil-numbers installed Increment/decrement numbers in Evil, the extensible vim emulation layer. Like C-a/C-x in vim. After installation, you

Symbol's function definition is void: declare-function

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-04 04:43:45
问题 New to emacs. GNU Emacs 22.1.1 on OSX. Installed evil as per instructions. I get: Symbol's function definition is void: declare-function emacs --debug-init gives: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function declare-function) (declare-function evil-visual-state-p "evil-visual") eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*<3>> nil "/Users/rahul/.emacs.d /evil/evil-repeat.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer pos$ load-with-code-conversion("/Users/rahul/.emacs.d/evil/evil- repeat.el" "/Users/rahul/.emacs.d/evil/evil

Emacs evil: space as a prefix key in motion state

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-02 22:28:14
问题 I want to be able to navigate windows with SPC h/j/k/l. I can just put ( wrong, see edit ) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC h") 'evil-window-left) for normal state (or I could go and use evil-leader ...), but neither of these work for doing the same thing in motion state. If I put (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "SPC h") 'evil-window-left) then I get the error error: Key sequence SPC h starts with non-prefix key SPC I then tried to undefine SPC in motion state (define-key

Emacs evil: space as a prefix key in motion state

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-02 22:27:12
问题 I want to be able to navigate windows with SPC h/j/k/l. I can just put ( wrong, see edit ) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC h") 'evil-window-left) for normal state (or I could go and use evil-leader ...), but neither of these work for doing the same thing in motion state. If I put (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "SPC h") 'evil-window-left) then I get the error error: Key sequence SPC h starts with non-prefix key SPC I then tried to undefine SPC in motion state (define-key

Start evil mode in insert for some buffers

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-24 11:49:15
问题 I would like to set some buffers to be opened in insert mode in evil. For example in read-only buffers there is no point in having a normal mode since i then can't use q to exit but i have to do i q. This is annoying for interactive modes that produce error buffers. What I have been trying and failed with is as follows: (evil-set-initial-state view-mode 'insert) 回答1: You can modify the variable evil-insert-state-modes , which holds a list of modes that should be started in insert state: (add

Mode-specific or buffer-local text objects in evil?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-23 19:31:04
问题 Q: in Emacs, how does one make mode-specific key bindings for text objects in evil ? One may bind a key in a specific state (normal, insert, etc.) in a specific mode as the following example demonstrates: (evil-define-key 'normal org-mode "a" 'some-command) However, it's not clear to me how to bind a key in a mode-specific way to evil-outer-text-objects-map (or its -inner- counterpart). As an alternative, it's also not clear how one might bind keys in these maps in a buffer-local way through

Use 'execute-extended-command' from Evil command mode (M-x is undefined)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-23 19:23:49
问题 I just started experimenting with emacs. And as a Vim user I did not want to bother use it without installing evil-mode first. However, evil-mode seems to break the emacs keybinding for 'execute-extended-command' (M-x). I really don't care about this keybinding, and I noticed that I can call for example 'list-packages' from the evil command-mode and it works just fine. Only thing I am missing now, is the TAB auto completion in command mode, like typing 'list-' TAB and then it will show or

Send EOF (^D) to emacs ansi-term

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-23 04:34:37
问题 When I use ansi-term mode in Emacs, and run a program such as cat , ^D does not end the input like it normally does. If fact, it doesn't seem to do anything at all. ^C still works. I have Evil installed 回答1: Try adding these to your config (after you load evil): (delete 'term-mode evil-insert-state-modes) (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'term-mode) On my emacs with this modification, cat followed by ^D in ansi-term char-mode ends the input and bring me back to the prompt. Make sure you

Send EOF (^D) to emacs ansi-term

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-23 04:34:17
问题 When I use ansi-term mode in Emacs, and run a program such as cat , ^D does not end the input like it normally does. If fact, it doesn't seem to do anything at all. ^C still works. I have Evil installed 回答1: Try adding these to your config (after you load evil): (delete 'term-mode evil-insert-state-modes) (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'term-mode) On my emacs with this modification, cat followed by ^D in ansi-term char-mode ends the input and bring me back to the prompt. Make sure you