

99封情书 提交于 2020-05-03 21:44:36
(请自动忽视时间, 太懒了 没来得及写) 笔试没满分的痛苦还是无法消退……    激动人心的第 一试!    第一次尝试用vim,在大佬的指点下学会了一些神奇的操作(括号补全啊行数显示啥的)   用完了之后完全不想再回到GUIDE、Lazarus、Anjuta了2333  第一试只有5分!5分! (各位大佬不要笑我啦,会好好努力的!)    嘤嘤嘤还是人口普查 (雾) 施舍的一点点分数,说实话现在的自己什么都不懂,第一题的一条链情况还以为第一个点一定是一号节点QAQ,人家可是一条链啊-。-   第二题的冒泡看不懂,第三题的字符串不会做,虽然是第一次参加NOI,但是还是很失落呢……(微颓)    (试题的话我放在Day4了哦)      没啥图片了,放一张开幕式镇镇随笔吧233    来源: oschina 链接:

How To Save Content of GTKTextBuffer to a File

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-02 04:54:11
问题 I'm writing on Ubuntu 12.04 in Anjuta with C and GTK a program. It's a graphical interface for the nbc (Lego NXT Compiler). I have a GTKTextView. Now I want to save the content of the textview to a file, which could be chosen by a GTKFileChooser. Now I don't know how to get the text from the TextView and write it to the file. How do i do this? 回答1: First, get the GtkTextBuffer from the GtkTextView using gtk_text_view_get_buffer() . Then get the start and end GtkTextIters from the buffer to

Adding -std=c++11 to compiler options in Anjuta 3.4.3

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-24 05:03:08
问题 I'm fairly far in a project using GTKmm atm, and I'm trying to add in some code a friend of mine have been working on. However I'm getting this error: error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options However I can't find anywhere that will actually let me add these compiler options. Adding it to Build -> Configure Project only yields a: Error:

Why does printf output not appear right away when stepping through the code?

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-18 09:26:48
问题 I'm using Anjuta and gdb on Fedora 20 and created a C Makefile project. The code looks like this: #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { ° printf ("1"); ° printf ("2"); ° printf ("3"); return (0); } ° means I set a breakpoint at that position. Now when I debug the code, there's no output while the current line is one of these printf-functions. Only when I exit main '123' appears in the terminal. If I add \n to the second printf argument, then '12' appears as output when I move from breakpoint 2

How to import an existing Java project in the Anjuta IDE?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-08 06:04:02
问题 I have an existing Java project that I created using Eclipse on a different computer and uploaded to github. On my Fedora machine, I used Anjuta's github plugin to import the project and the import worked fine (I can see all my java files in the Project pane). However, when I click Run -> Execute I get the following errors: /home/bhavesh/AnjutaProjects/word_wave.git/deltaHacks/src/deltaHacks/ line 1: package: command not found /home/bhavesh/AnjutaProjects/word_wave.git/deltaHacks

Anjuta configuration for GNOME Javascript application development

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-08 01:36:58
问题 I trying to run a GNOME JavaScript application tutorial in Anjuta.: const GLib =; const Gtk =; const Gda =; const Lang = imports.lang; function Demo () { this._init (); } Demo.prototype = { _init: function () { this.setupWindow (); this.setupDatabase (); this.selectData (); }, setupWindow: function () { this.window = new Gtk.Window ({title: "Data Access Demo", height_request: 350}); this.window.connect ("delete-event", function () { Gtk.main_quit(

How to include resources file in anjuta project

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-07 13:48:14
问题 I'm trying to update a graphical project in vala, moving lot of code lines into an ui file. I want to use template (available with glib-2.38 and GTK+3.8, something like that). My project is managed with Anjuta and autoconf. In the src directory there are application.ui : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <interface> <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.8 --> <template class="SpiWindow" parent="GtkApplicationWindow"> <property name="title" translatable="yes">Example Application</property>

常用的linux C/C++ IDE

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-05 22:48:15
一、Anjuta Anjuta是一个多语言的IDE,它最大的特色是灵活,同时打开多个文件,内嵌代码级的调试器(调用gdb),应用程序向导(Application wizards)可以方便的帮助你创建GNOME程序而不需要你自己写一些与你兴趣无关的代码。 配置C/C++环境请看 这里 项目主页: #安装: sudo apt-get install anjuta 二、netbeans NetBeans IDE 是一个为软件开发者提供的自由、开源的集成开发环境。您可以从中获得您所需要的所有工具,用 Java、C/C++ 甚至是 Ruby 来创建专业的桌面应用程序、企业应用程序、web 和移动应用程序。此 IDE 可以在多种平台上运行,包括 Windows、Linux、Mac OS X 以及 Solaris;它易于安装且非常方便使用。 项目主页: #安装: sudo apt-get install netbeans 三、Code::Blocks Code::Blocks是一个开源、免费、跨平台的c++ IDE。官方网站上称其能满足最苛刻的用户的需求。虽有点夸张,但既然敢这样说,也说明它的功能肯定不差。可扩展插件,有插件向导功能,让你很方便的创建自己的插件。Code:

How to include resources file in anjuta project

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-05 21:49:18
I'm trying to update a graphical project in vala, moving lot of code lines into an ui file. I want to use template (available with glib-2.38 and GTK+3.8, something like that). My project is managed with Anjuta and autoconf. In the src directory there are application.ui : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <interface> <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.8 --> <template class="SpiWindow" parent="GtkApplicationWindow"> <property name="title" translatable="yes">Example Application</property> <property name="default-width">600</property> <property name="default-height">400</property> <child>

What is, and why does automake say it is missing? What is a good auto (make/conf/etc) generator?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-05 01:55:51
问题 I just want to develop a C app in linux with the auto(make/conf/...) stuff automatically generated. I tried generating it with ede and anjuta, but it doesn't seem to generate So, I tried running automake, and it says "" isn't found. Is there some easy to generate the basic build files for linux C/C++ apps. What is the standard practice? Do most people write these files themselves? 回答1: Generating a really trivial set of autotool files is pretty easy. Here's a (really