Random generator Objective-C

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-13 06:21:59


I've declared a static array of integer from 1 to 5 and now want to call randomly each number with each press of a button. I don't want the same number to be called twice.

int randomNumber;
static int size = 5;

int position = arc4random() % size - 1;
randomNumber = usedNumbers[position];
int switcher = usedNumbers[size]; // wrong
usedNumbers[position] = usedNumbers[size];
usedNumbers[position] = switcher;

Here's what I've done so far. There's a hole in my logic somewhere and I could do with some help. I think it's something to do with the switcher which is trying to hold a number whilst another is being deleted.


If all you want to do is to show a random number every time the button is clicked, here is some code that can help.

But first, the line you use to create the position is wrong. Do this instead:

int position = (arc4random() % 5) + 1; // Creates a random number between 1 and 5.
int position = (arc4random() % 5) - 1; // Creates a random number between -1 and 3. 

Second, I'd suggest to use an NSArray or NSMutableArray to hold your data.

I assume that you have a method that is called when you press a button. Inside that method you can simply put something like this:

int size = 5; // You might want to get the size of your array dynamically, with something like [usedNumbers count];
int position = (arc4random() % size) + 1; // Generates a number between 1-5.
NSNumber *randomNumber = [usedNumbers objectAtIndex:position]; // Here is your random number from the array.

So.. If you add the array as an instance variable to your class, your header file would look something like this:

@interface MyViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *usedNumbers;

- (IBAction)buttonWasClicked:(id)sender; // Remember to connect it to your button in Interface Builder.


And your implementation file:

@implementation MyViewController

@synthesize usedNumbers;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Initialize your array and add the numbers.
    usedNumbers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    [usedNumbers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:4]];
    [usedNumbers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:13]];
    // Add as many numbers as you'd like.

- (IBAction)buttonWasClicked:(id)sender {
    int size = [usedNumbers count];
    int position = (arc4random() % size); // Generates a number between 0 and 4, instead of 1-5.
    // This is because the indexes in the array starts at 0. So when you have 5 elements, the highest index is 4.
    NSNumber *randomNumber = [usedNumbers objectAtIndex:position]; // The number chosen by the random index (position).
    NSLog(@"Random position: %d", position);
    NSLog(@"Number at that position: %@", randomNumber);


If you do it like this, a random number will be chosen from the array every time the button is clicked.

Also, remember to release all your objects if you don't have ARC enabled.

PS: There are several other questions here on SO covering this subject. Remember to search before asking.


To make sure every number is used only once, you can remove it from your array when it is chosen. So the buttonWasClicked: method will be something like this:

- (IBAction)buttonWasClicked:(id)sender {
    int size = [usedNumbers count];
    if (size > 0) {
        int position = (arc4random() % size);
        NSNumber *randomNumber = [usedNumbers objectAtIndex:position];
        // Do something with your number.
        // Finally, remove it from the array:
        [usedNumbers removeObjectAtIndex:position];
    } else {
        // The array is empty.

