Mouse click coordinates are always 0

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 09:14:57


As you can see I added the a mouse listener to the game.

import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;  public class Game implements Runnable { private Display display; public int width, height; public String title;  private boolean running = false; private Thread thread;  private BufferStrategy bs; private Graphics g;  // States public static State gameState;  // Input private InputManager inputManager; private MouseHandler mouseHandler;  public Game(String title, int width, int height) {     this.width = width;     this.height = height;     this.title = title;     inputManager = new InputManager();     mouseHandler = new MouseHandler(); }  /**  * Initializes all of the graphics  */ private void initialize() {     display = new Display(title, width, height);     display.getFrame().addKeyListener(inputManager);     display.getFrame().addMouseListener(mouseHandler);     Assets.loadAssets();      gameState = new GameState(this, 1);     State.setState(gameState); }  /**  * Updates everything in the game loop  */ private void update() {     if (State.getState() != null)         State.getState().update(); }  private void render() {     bs = display.getCanvas().getBufferStrategy();      // If this is the first time running initialize the buffer strategy     if (bs == null)     {         display.getCanvas().createBufferStrategy(3);         return;     }      g = bs.getDrawGraphics();     // Clear the screen     g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);      // Drawing     if (State.getState() != null)         State.getState().render(g);     // End drawing;     g.dispose(); }  public void run() {      initialize();      // Updates the game loop 60 times every 1 second = 1,000,000,000     // nanoseconds     int fps = 60;     double timePerUpdate = 1000000000 / fps;     double timeElapsed = 0;     long now;     // Current time of computer in nanoseconds     long lastTime = System.nanoTime();      // Game loop     while (running)     {         now = System.nanoTime();         timeElapsed += (now - lastTime) / timePerUpdate;         lastTime = now;          if (timeElapsed >= 1)         {             update();             render();             timeElapsed--;         }     }      stop(); }  public synchronized void start() {     // Do not make a new thread if it is already running     if (running)         return;      // Starts the game     running = true;     thread = new Thread(this); // this = Game class     thread.start(); // Goes to run }  public synchronized void stop() {     // In case stop gets called and it is already not running     if (!running)         return;      // Stops the game     running = false;     try     {         thread.join();     }     catch (InterruptedException e)     {         e.printStackTrace();     } }  public InputManager getInputManager() {     return inputManager; }  public MouseHandler getMouseHandler() {     return mouseHandler; }  public static void main(String[] args) {     Game game = new Game("Game", 1024, 768);     game.start(); } }

This is my mouse adapter class, basically all I want is the x,y coordinates of where the mouse is pressed

import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;  public class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter { public int x, y;  public MouseHandler() {  }  public void MousePressed(MouseEvent e) {     x = e.getX();     y = e.getY(); } }

When I try to get the X, and Y coordinates they are always 0 instead of where the mouse actually clicked. I have no clue why.


public int x, y;

int variables are always initialized to 0.

public void MousePressed(MouseEvent e)

Method names are case sensitive.

Your code is never executed since the method to override should be mousePressed(...). Fix the typo in your code.

Always use code like:

@Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

Then if you make a typo the compiler will tell you.

When I try to get the X, and Y coordinates they are always 0

Since your code is never executed the default value is returned.
