angular 2 - adding 3rd party libs

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:08:02


I am trying to start using angular 2 cli.
I want to use momentjs in my project so here is what I have done:
1. created project using angular cli.
2. run npm install --save moment
3. from src folder run typings init + typings install --save moment.
4. added moment to system modules:

System.config({   packages: {     app: {       format: 'register',       defaultExtension: 'js'     },     moment: {       map: 'node_modules/moment/moment.js',       type: 'cjs',       defaultExtension: 'js'     }   } });
  1. added import * as moment from 'moment'; to my desired component.
  2. running ng serve and getting:

[DiffingTSCompiler]: Typescript found the following errors: app/angular-day-picker.ts (2, 25): Cannot find module 'moment'. Error: [DiffingTSCompiler]: Typescript found the following errors: app/angular-day-picker.ts (2, 25): Cannot find module 'moment'. at DiffingTSCompiler.doFullBuild (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/lib/broccoli/broccoli-typescript.js:202:29) at DiffingTSCompiler.rebuild (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/lib/broccoli/broccoli-typescript.js:101:18) at DiffingPluginWrapper.rebuild (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/lib/broccoli/diffing-broccoli-plugin.js:87:45) at /Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/broccoli/lib/api_compat.js:42:21 at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1036:16) at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1048:17) at /Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:331:11 at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (/Users/vioffe/personal/angular-day-picker/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/angular-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1198:9) at doNTCallback0 (node.js:430:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:359:13)

Here is my tsconfig.json file:

{   "compilerOptions": {     "declaration": false,     "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,     "experimentalDecorators": true,     "mapRoot": "",     "module": "system",     "moduleResolution": "node",     "noEmitOnError": true,     "noImplicitAny": false,     "rootDir": ".",     "sourceMap": true,     "sourceRoot": "/",     "target": "es5"   },   "files": [     "typings/main.d.ts"   ],   "exclude": [     "typings/browser.d.ts",     "typings/browser"   ] }

What did I do wrong? I can't find in the docs a guide to add 3rd party libs.


When including 3rd party libraries, there are two parts... the javascript code you want to execute, and the definition files to give the IDE all it's strongly-typed goodness.

Obviously, the first must be present if the app is to function. The easiest way to get that is to include the 3rd party library with a

now in your component where you want to use lodash , write this way

declare var _:any;  @Component({ }) export class YourComponent {   ngOnInit() {      console.log(_.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2));   } }

it worked for me :). I have used enormous 3rd party libraries in my angular2 project through angular-cli. Hope it will help you too


If you dont get any npm for your third-party libraries. Make an assets folder under your src folder. Then you can add separate folders for js,css and images. Put your third-party js inside the js folder. Then you have to reference js file in your index.html like this way:


Now, when you do ng serve or ng build it will automatically update the public folder with your assets/js. Hope you understand the whole scenario :)


If library you want to include is not in typings you have two ways to include it in an angular 2 application:

  1. using npm: step a. install library using package manager

    step b. add path of the library to the map object in systemjs.config.js file.


'jquery' : 'npm:jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'd3' : 'npm:d3/build/d3.js'

step c. import it in app.module.ts example:

import 'jquery'; import 'd3';

step d. declare it

example: declare var $: any;

declare var d3: any;

  1. simply you can include that in script tag in index.html and declare it.


The answer can be found in the following link:


I’m not currently using moment.js myself right now. So I’m not sure, but it seems to me that you are trying to use moment.js as a typescript module and maybe it is not a typescript module. I suggest another approach. Do not use moment.js as module to import but use a d.ts file instead. To accomplish this I’m use tsd: Open a cmd:

  • npm install tsd -g
  • Global ins
