Troubleshooting “failed to create task or type foreach” when using <foreach>

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:18:02


I'm trying to use the foreach loop in an Ant script but I get the message: Problem: failed to create task or type foreach Cause: The name is undefined.

I don't understand why this doesn't work. It is not a 3rd party library. It is a standard task that would be part of the latest version of Ant (1.8).


It is a standard task that would be part of the latest version of Ant (1.8).

No, it's not. At least I can't find it in the list of core and optional tasks in the ant manual. It seems to be part of the ant-contrib project and thus needs to be installed separately.


have you ever considered ? in this tag you can use some famous script language like javascript and python. they can also interact with the Project, Task... Object of Ant, which means you can set/get the properties and even excute another task. look at this example which comes from the book "java development with ant"

             Use a script task to generate a random number, then         print it       Random number is ${random}


I can't find the foreach task in the Ant 1.8 manual - where is it? I only know the task from ant-contrib, and it requires to specify the 'target' attribute:


I had the same issue under eclipse with various versions of ant.

Add this into your code WITHOUT adding parameters under eclipse (do not specify any classpath) :


You haven't defined a target to call:

