Wordpress, get ID's of multiple categories from the URL

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:44:02


I'm using WordPress 2.8.4.

My question is, if I'm viewing a sub category (cat-slug-2 in this example) is there a built in function to get it's category ID and its parents category ID?

Here's an example URL, where cat-slug-2 is a sub category of cat-slug-1



Maybe something like this?

<?php     $current_category = single_cat_title("", false);     $category_ID = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = '" . $current_category . "'" );     echo(get_category_parents($category_ID, TRUE, ' &raquo; ')); ?> 

For more info on the WP Functions/Template Tags used above, see single_cat_title and get_category_parents.


Thanks for the answer Manzabar, from your code i was able to modify it to get what i wanted.

Ultimately, I wanted an array of the category's parentIDs. Here's how I did it:

$parents = get_category_parents($cat, false, '^%%^'); $parents = explode('^%%^', $parents); $parentIDs = array(); foreach($parents as $parent){     if (is_null($parent) || empty($parent)){         continue;     }     $parentIDs[] = get_cat_ID($parent); } echo '<pre>'; print_r($parentIDs); echo '</pre>'; 

Note that $cat holds the current categoryID
