《计算机科学导论》学习笔记(27) - 课程 27: 累积实践问题

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:25:02


# Question 1: Pick One  # Define a procedure, pick_one, that takes three inputs: a Boolean  # and two other values. If the first input is True, it should return  # the second input. If the first input is False, it should return the  # third input.  # For example, pick_one(True, 37, 'hello') should return 37, and # pick_one(False, 37, 'hello') should return 'hello'.  def pick_one():    print pick_one(True, 37, 'hello') #>>> 37  print pick_one(False, 37, 'hello') #>>> hello  print pick_one(True, 'red pill', 'blue pill') #>>> red pill  print pick_one(False, 'sunny', 'rainy') #>>> rainy


def pick_one(Boolean, first, second):     return first if Boolean else second


def pick_one(boolean, true_response, false_response):     if boolean:         return true_response     else:         return false_response


# Question 2. Triangular Numbers  # The triangular numbers are the numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, ... # They are calculated as follows.  # 1 # 1 + 2 = 3 # 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 # 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 # 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15  # Write a procedure, triangular, that takes as its input a positive  # integer n and returns the nth triangular number.  def triangular():    print triangular(1) #>>>1  print triangular(3) #>>> 6  print triangular(10) #>>> 55


def triangular(n):     #if n == 1:  return 1     """     i = 0     sum = 0     while i <= n:         sum += i         i += 1     """     sum = 0     for i in range(1, n+1):         sum += i     return sum


# Question 4: Remove Tags  # When we add our words to the index, we don't really want to include # html tags such as <body>, <head>, <table>, <a href="..."> and so on.  # Write a procedure, remove_tags, that takes as input a string and returns # a list of words, in order, with the tags removed. Tags are defined to be # strings surrounded by < >. Words are separated by whitespace or tags.  # You may assume the input does not include any unclosed tags, that is,   # there will be no '<' without a following '>'.  def remove_tags():   print remove_tags('''<h1>Title</h1><p>This is a                     <a href="http://www.udacity.com">link</a>.<p>''') #>>> ['Title','This','is','a','link','.']  print remove_tags('''<table cellpadding='3'>                      <tr><td>Hello</td><td>World!</td></tr>                      </table>''') #>>> ['Hello','World!']  print remove_tags("<hello><goodbye>") #>>> []  print remove_tags("This is plain text.") #>>> ['This', 'is', 'plain', 'text.']


def remove_tags(text):     result = []     if text.find('<') == -1 and \     text.find('>') == -1:         result.append(text)     return result     '''     for index in range(len(text)):         at_kai = False         at_bi = False         at_space = False         result = []         if text[index] == ' ':             at_space = True         if text[index] == '<':             at_kai = True             continue         if text[index] == '>':             at_bi = True             at_kai = False         if at_bi == True:             text = text[index + 1:]             result[index] = result[index] + char         '''

1. 去掉 <> 之间的文本;
2. 在某些情况下, append 单个字符;【result.append(char)】
3. 在某些情况下,连接单个字符。【result[index] = result[index] + char】


def remove_tags(string):     start = string.find('<')     while start != -1:         end = string.find('>', start)         string = string[:start] + " " + string[end + 1:]         start = string.find('<')     return string.split()


# Question 5: Date Converter  # Write a procedure date_converter which takes two inputs. The first is  # a dictionary and the second a string. The string is a valid date in  # the format month/day/year. The procedure should return # the date written in the form <day> <name of month> <year>. # For example , if the # dictionary is in English,  english = {1:"January", 2:"February", 3:"March", 4:"April", 5:"May",  6:"June", 7:"July", 8:"August", 9:"September",10:"October",  11:"November", 12:"December"}  # then  "5/11/2012" should be converted to "11 May 2012".  # If the dictionary is in Swedish  swedish = {1:"januari", 2:"februari", 3:"mars", 4:"april", 5:"maj",  6:"juni", 7:"juli", 8:"augusti", 9:"september",10:"oktober",  11:"november", 12:"december"}  # then "5/11/2012" should be converted to "11 maj 2012".  # Hint: int('12') converts the string '12' to the integer 12.  def date_converter():   print date_converter(english, '5/11/2012') #>>> 11 May 2012  print date_converter(english, '5/11/12') #>>> 11 May 12  print date_converter(swedish, '5/11/2012') #>>> 11 maj 2012  print date_converter(swedish, '12/5/1791') #>>> 5 december 1791


def date_converter(language, date):     first_xie = date.find('/')     second_xie = date.find('/', first_xie + 1)     return date[first_xie + 1:second_xie] + ' ' + \     language[int(date[:first_xie])] + ' ' + \     date[second_xie + 1:]


def date_converter(language, date):     first = date.find('/')     month = date[:first]     second = date.find('/', first+1)     day = date[first + : second]year = date[second + 1 :]     year = date[second + 1:]     return day + " " + language[int(month)] + " " + year  def date_converter(language, date):     month, day, year = date.split('/')     return day + " " + language[int(month)] + " " + year