What set of APIs count towards Firebase Auth API limits (500requests/second)?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-08 15:27:18


The firebase auth doc shows that you can only make Firebase Auth API calls up to 500 requests/second per service account & 1000 requests/second per project.

e.g. If I use Firebase Auth Admin SDK to invoke getUserByEmail or updateUser, do these operations count toward API limits?

How about verifying id tokens using verifyIdToken API? If my project verifies all requests coming in to the server from clients by verifying authIdToken, does that mean that my server's upper scaling threshold will be 1000 requests/second per project because the server's one of downstream services, Firebase Auth, can only accept up to 1000 requests/second to verify auth id tokens?

Firebase doc seems to be lacking details related to these API limits.


Yes, 1k/s includes all limits from the Admin API. I feel if the downstream can only handle 1k/s you can always implement a backoff or throttle algorithm to handle higher burst load at times. I assume these are mostly sufficient for user auth as user don't login frequently. For machine to machine, I suggest you use a different auth system.

