Differentiate between F5 and browser close event in flex/actionscript

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 22:31:22

Pseudo code:

public static function addExternalEventListener( qualifiedEventName:String, callback:Function,callBackAlias:String ):void
   if(lastKeyPressed.KeyCode != 116)
    // 1. Expose the callback function via the callBackAlias
    ExternalInterface.addCallback( callBackAlias, callback );
    // 2. Build javascript to execute
    var     jsExecuteCallBack:String = "document.getElementsByName('"+ExternalInterface.objectID+"')[0]."+callBackAlias+"()";
    var jsBindEvent:String = "function(){"+qualifiedEventName+"= function(){"+jsExecuteCallBack+"};}";
    // 3. Execute the composed javascript to perform the binding of the external event to the specified callBack function
    ExternalInterface.call( jsBindEvent );

Write to the shared object every few seconds with current local time.

If that exists within (last few seconds + x), it was a refresh rather than close.

Let me know if you need some code examples

