What is the proper configuration for a WCF 4 REST service?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-01 20:48:07

What does your OperationContract attribute look like? Have you set the RequestFormat and ResponseFormat the WebMessageFormat.Xml? Also, you BodyStyle should be WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest

Since there is no entry, I'm assuming you are running it under IIS. if thats the case, make sure you have a properly configured .svc file.

Also, you might check your global.asax to make sure the url actually points to the wcf service. I'm just guessing but the one thing I'm sure its not is the message size property

OK, I figured it out; the problem was actually on the client. It wasn't serializing the object that I was trying to submit in the http post. When I checked it against a service on the test server, I corrected the xml for the post and now it's working properly. Thanks!
