FasterCSV: several separators

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-01 20:44:26

Solution 1:

One simple way to do it is to let the user select with a drop-down which separator they use in their CSV file, and then you just set that value in the call. But I guess you want it automatic. :-)

Solution 2:

You can read-in the first line of the CSV file with regular and analyze it by matching the first line against /,/ and then against /\t/ ... depending on which RegExp matches, you select the separator in the call to the according (single) separator. Then you read in the file with, :col_sep => single_separator ) accordingly.

But Beware:

At first it looks nice and elegant to want to use ",\t" as the separator in the method call to allow both -- but please note this would introduce a possible nasty bug!

If a CVS file would contain both tabs and commas by accident or by chance ... what do you do then? Separate on both? How can you be sure? I think that would be a mistake, because CSV separators don't appear "mixed" like this in regular CSV files -- it's always either ',' or "\t"

So I think you should not use ",\t" -- that could be causing huge problems, and that's probably the reason why they did not implement / allow the col_sep option to accept a RegExp.

If the data does not contain escaping quotes and such, just splitting on a regex would do it.

f ="some_file.csv")
res ={|line| line.chomp.split(/[\t,]/)}

Brutal solution:

require 'csv'
csv.instance_variable_set(:@col_sep, /[\t,]/)