Implement F# interface member with Unit return type in C#

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-01 19:00:58

Transformation of Unit to void is baked into the compiler. There's a FuncConvert class in F# Core for converting between FSharpFunc and Converter. What about defining a similar class to convert Action<T> to Func<T, Unit>?

static class ActionConvert {
    private static readonly Unit Unit = MakeUnit();

    public static Func<T, Unit> ToFunc<T>(Action<T> action) {
        return new Func<T, Unit>(x => { action(x); return Unit; });

    private static Unit MakeUnit() {
        //using reflection because ctor is internal
        return (Unit)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Unit), true);

Then you could do

var foo = new Foo<int>();
var func = ActionConvert.ToFunc<int>(foo.DoStuff);

You could probably even forego the Unit instance and return null instead.
