How do I use the CoffeeScript existential operator to check some object properties for undefined?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-01 15:20:11

This is a common point of confusion with the existential operator: Sometimes


compiles to

typeof test !== "undefined" && test !== null

and other times it just compiles to

x != null

The two are equivalent, because x != null will be false when x is either null or undefined. So x != null is a more compact way of expressing (x !== undefined && x !== null). The reason the typeof compilation occurs is that the compiler thinks x may not have been defined at all, in which case doing an equality test would trigger ReferenceError: x is not defined.

In your particular case, test.test may have the value undefined, but you can't get a ReferenceError by referring to an undefined property on an existing object, so the compiler opts for the shorter output.

This JavaScript: != null

actually does check if the foo property of a is neither undefined nor null. Note that is translated to JavaScript that uses != null rather than !== null. The conversions that != does means that both of these are true:

null == null
undefined == null

A plain a? becomes this JavaScript:

typeof a !== "undefined" && a !== null

because there are three conditions to check:

  1. Is there an a in scope anywhere?
  2. Does a have a value of undefined?
  3. Does a have a value of null?

The first condition is important as just saying a != null will trigger a ReferenceError if there is no a in scope but saying typeof a === 'undefined' won't. The typeof check also takes care of the a === undefined condition in 2. Then we can finish it off with a strict a !== null test as that takes care of 3 without the performance penalty of an unnecessary != (note: != and == are slower than !== and === due to the implicit conversions).

A little reading on what != and !== do might be fruitful:

MDN: Comparison Operators

As far as your comment on the deleted answer is concerned, if( is perfectly valid syntax if you complete the if statement:

# or
do_interesting_things() if(

However, if( and if( differ in how they handle 0, false, and ''.

Wild guess; have you tried console.log test.test if test?.test??

Just tested it with coffee -p -e 'console.log test.test if test?.test?', which compiles to:

(function() {

if ((typeof test !== "undefined" && test !== null ? test.test : void 0) != null) { console.log(test.test); }

