Display Dedicated IP into viewinvoice.tpl and invoicepdf.tpl in WHMCS?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-01 14:00:34

Create php file in whmcs_dir/includes/hooks/ (say: dedicated_ip.php) and add the following code:

use WHMCS\Database\Capsule as DB;
add_hook('ClientAreaPageViewInvoice', 1, function($vars) { 
    $dedicatedIps = [];

    foreach ($vars['invoiceitems'] as $k => $item) {
        $ip = '';
        if ($item['type'] == 'Hosting') {
            $hosting = DB::table('tblhosting')->select('dedicatedip')->where('id', $item['relid'])->first();
            if (!is_null($hosting)) {
                $ip = $hosting->dedicatedip;
        $dedicatedIps[$k] = $ip;

    return ['dedicatedIps' => $dedicatedIps];

This code will run only in the invoice view page, and adds an array of dedicated IPs for each invoice items. Domains for example will have empty ip.

Then in viewinvoice.tpl update the invoice items loop as following:

{foreach from=$invoiceitems item=item key=key}
        {$item.description}{if $item.taxed eq "true"} *{/if}
        {if $key|in_array:$dedicatedIps}
        <br>IP: {$dedicatedIps[$key]}

        <td class="text-center">{$item.amount}</td>