Generated SQL with PredicateBuilder, LINQPad and operator ANY

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-01 11:14:01

As you're using LINQKit, you can make this work by calling Compile() on the expression that feeds the EntitySet, and then calling AsExpandable() on the main query:

var predProduct = PredicateBuilder.True<Product>();
var predColorLanguage = PredicateBuilder.True<ColorLanguage>();

predProduct = predProduct.And(p => p.IsComplete);

predColorLanguage = predColorLanguage.And (
  c => c.IdColorEntity.Products.Any(predProduct.Compile()));


As explained in the LINQKit article, the Compile method never actually runs: AsExpandable strips it out and modifies the expression tree so that it works with LINQ to SQL.
