Exception parameters.grid [in template “template/jquery/gridcolumn.ftl”

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-01 10:52:16

The grid tag shouldn't be self-closed, it should have a body where you put gridCoumn tags.

The name of the column should be a property of the gridModel, and as a bean's property must be an identifier, i.e. without spaces.

Grid model should be a list of objects that a reserialized to JSON via invoking an action that you use in href attribute.

<sjg:grid id="gridTable" caption="login ID" dataType="json"
    href="%{remoteurl}" pager="true" gridModel="gridModel"
    rowList="10,15,20" rowNum="15" rownumbers="true">
      <sjg:gridColumn name="loginID"/>
      <sjg:gridColumn name="select" />

You can find an example of the grid using the project wiki page for Grid Tag.
