How to exclude the support v4 library from the studio?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-01 08:38:29
San Droid

I've done it like this

dependencies {
    api('') {
       exclude module: 'support-v4'

I got the same problem, after reset implementation to compile, it works fine, but I don't know why..... maybe it's a bug of 'implementation'

Rami EL MoubtahiGe
dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
    // compile project(':ActionBarSherlock-4.1.0')
    compile project(':GooglePlayServicesLibrary')
    compile files('libs/eventbus-2.4.0.jar')
    compile (project(':AndroidBetterPickers'))
    compile (project(':ZxingFragmentLib'))
    compile (project(':RobotoTextView'))
    compile (project(':PanesLibrary'))
    compile (project(':ShowCaseViewLibrary'))
    compile (project(':ActionBarSherlock-4.1.0'))
compile files('libs/support-v4-19.0.1.jar')