AMP error: Missing supported structured data element

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-01 07:38:08

Am looking at I think you'll need to declare the AMP page as a NewsArticle or Blog in a JSON-LD script.

Am looking at . The "@type": "Review" is not yet supported. TTBOMK, only Article NewsArticle and Blog are acknowledged by Google. Try one of those and tell us what happens.

Problem is is not showing product reviews structure data for search carousel (AMP) Currently,

Only news article is showing in search carousel (AMP) Currently,. So technically your pages don't meet the requirement or are missing the required structured data elements to be shown in the carousel.

Wait until google start supporting "@type": "Review"

Please don't mark your content as news article it might degrade your current position in search results because your content is not related to that.
