Temporarily ignore subversion ignore settings

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-01 06:42:08


I have a bunch of files that I normally want to ignore so I have the file extensions listed in my global ignore as well as on the folder properties ignore list. However, I have a one-time need to see all unversioned files in my working copy, even those I normally want to ignore. I can't figure out an easy way to do this without clearing out my global ignore, and then removing the ignore folder properties, doing my check, and then adding the ignore property and global string back in.

Is there some easy way to just see a list of (and commit) all unversioned files in my working copy no matter if they should be ignored or not?


Why don't you use the --no-ignore flag while doing svn add ?

--no-ignore : disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores

Try doing something like:

 svn add --force --no-ignore .

Note that you have to careful about what files get added.

