UPDATE .. LIMIT 1 with SqlAlchemy and PostgreSQL

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-01 06:22:54

The subquery recipe is the right way to do it, now we only need to build this query with SqlAlchemy.

Let's start with the subquery:

sq = ssn.query(Log.id)  \
    .order_by(Log.id.desc())  \
    .limit(1)  \

And now use it with as_scalar() with the example from the update() docs:

from sqlalchemy import update

q = update(Log)  \
    .values({'analyzed': True})  \
    .where(Log.id == sq.as_scalar())

Print the query to have a look at the result:

UPDATE logs 
SET analyzed=:analyzed 
WHERE logs.id = (
    SELECT logs.id 
    FROM logs ORDER BY logs.id DESC 
    LIMIT :param_1 


Erwin Brandstetter


WHERE analyzed <> :analyzed

to prevent the same row from being updated multiple times. Or

WHERE analyzed IS DISTINCT FROM :analyzed

if NULL values are allowed. Add the same condition to the outer UPDATE as well, which is almost always a good idea in any case to avoid empty updates.

Concurrent transactions being blocked by the ROW SHARE lock from FOR UPDATE wake up as soon as the first transaction finishes. Since the changed row does not pass the WHERE condition any more, the subquery returns no row and nothing happens.

While later transactions lock a new row to update ...

You could use advisory locks to always update the next unlocked row without waiting. I added more at the linked answer:

Or consider PGQ to implement a queue.
