Evaluating if MethodExpression attribute is set (getting PropertyNotFoundException)

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-01 04:41:48

You was in the right direction with <c:if> already. The rendered one is never going to work. You only need to check if the EL expression is been set instead of actually evaluating the whole EL expression as a value expression and checking if its result is not empty, which would of course fail if the EL expression represents a method expression.

<c:if test="#{not empty cc.getValueExpression('changeListener')}">

This solution is however somewhat scary: you're grabbing the method expression as a value expression here. However, as long as you don't actually evaluate the enclosed EL expression (like as what your initial #{cc.attrs.changeListener} attempt does under the covers), then there's nothing at matter. There's no other clean way as there's nothing like UIComponent#getMethodExpression() in JSF API.
