Git on windows: Can't switch branch after renaming a file (only changed case)

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-01 03:19:51

A simple (but inelegant) way to overcome this problem without having to change the config setting is to delete the file and to check it out again. In my case this allowed my changes branches as normal again.

Edit: As Avivr has pointed out, my proposed workaround doesn't solve the problem permanently. I will still not delete this answer because it may help as a temporary hot-fix in some cases.


As mentioned in "Unresolvable Git error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout", setting core.ignorecase to true is a valid way to allow the checkout to proceed.

But I would prefer, as in "GIT: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout", to:

  • git add what I just modified (in your case, git mv might have already added the renamed file to the index)
  • git stash, saving the index
  • git checkout -b anotherBranch: this should work since the index is clean
  • git stash pop, if you want to restore the case change on that new index.