Difference among sleep() and usleep() in PHP

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-01 02:14:20

The argument to sleep is seconds, the argument to usleep is microseconds. Other than that, I think they're identical.

sleep($n) == usleep($n * 1000000)

usleep(25000) only sleeps for 0.025 seconds.


sleep() allows your code to sleep in seconds.

  • sleep(5); // sleeps for 5 seconds

usleep() allows your code with respect to microseconds.

  • usleep(2500000); // sleeps for 2.5 seconds

usleep() is used to delay execution in "microseconds" while sleep() is used to delay execution in seconds. So usleep(25000) is 0.025 seconds.

Is there any difference between the two?


usleep uses CPU Cycles while sleep does not.

sleep takes seconds as argument

while usleep takes microseconds as argument

One other difference is sleep returns 0 on success, false on error. usleep doesn't return anything.
