What's the difference between -r and url@rev in SVN?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-30 23:15:59

-r X says to Subversion "go to the URL as it is today, and tell me what you know about revision X" (assuming you haven't specified an @ revision)

url@X says to Subversion "go to revision X and find this URL"

The @ syntax is called a Peg Revision. The -r X is the Operative Revision.

It's a very subtle difference, but very important. You'll often use -r X when you're using @X.

So if you deleted https://svnserv2.acme.com/stx/project1/trunk/gui/Mammoth/WebContent/css in revision 6003, it can't look at that URL now that HEAD is revision 6004 (or anything later) because it doesn't exist.
