point of instantiation and name binding

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-30 22:52:59

f(t) is a dependent unqualified function call expression, so only functions found within the definition context and those found via ADL are candidates. f(int) is visible within the definition context, but not f(double), so overload resolution resolves to f(int) for both calls.

f(double) cannot be found by ADL because built-in types have no associated classes or namespaces. If you passed in an argument of class type, and there was an overload of f taking this type, ADL will be able to find it. For example:

void f(int);

template <typename T>
void g(T t)

class A {};
void f(double);
void f(A);

int main()
    g(1);   // calls f(int)
    g(1.1); // calls f(int)
    g(A{}); // calls f(A)

f(A) is called because it is located in the global namespace, and A's associated namespace set is the global namespace.
