How to read Python list in Javascript [in a Django template]

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-30 09:51:27


I'm programming in oTree (which is a Django based environment for social experiments) and I have the following problem. I defined some lists in Python and I'd like to import them and use them in an HTML template. If I print them in HTML I manage to see them without any problem, however, once I need to use them in Javascript, the program fails to read them and the single quotes of the elements of the list are converted in '. The list is imported like this var filtered_elements = {{ array }};.

I think the problem is exactly here, as JS cannot work with them. Do you have any suggestion on how to do that? I considered using JSON, but since I'm quite new to programming, I cannot understand if it's just a waste of time or there is a simpler way out. Thanks for your answers!


It sounds like your data is already JSON, otherwise you would be getting single quotes and u prefixes. So the only issue is Django autoescaping; you can disable it with the safe filter:

var filtered_elements = {{ array|safe }};


Your data should be JSON, instead of putting the Python list into the contact directly, put "array": json.dumps(array) in the context dictionary.

The JSON string doesn't need HTML escaping inside a tag, but it does need JS escaping! Otherwise some string may include something like </script><script>absolutely anything goes here... to run arbitrary JavaScript, if the JSON contains user data.

So use |escapejs:

var filtered_elements = {{ array|escapejs}};

