Intellij IdeaVim change keys

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-30 06:15:36

I've done this myself, and its pretty easy in IntelliJ 11. I know that in previous versions (9, maybe?) setting up keymap values is significantly different.

In IntelliJ 11 you can do the following:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Keymap from the left menu
  3. Search for Exit Insert Mode on the right side and associate whatever key you want to use, such as CTRL-C

As of IdeaVim 0.35 (released 2014-05-15), key mappings in ~/.ideavimrc are supported. You can put source ~/.vimrc in that file if you want to include mappings from ~/.vimrc.

Release announcement


(Note: This question could probably be considered a duplicate of this other StackOverflow question.)


IntelliJ 12.1:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Keymap from the left menu
  3. Find Escape under the Editor Actions section and add the Ctrl-C shortcut there. ("Escape" under the "IdeaVim" section didn't work for me)

Following the same steps, but replacing "Escape" with "Exit Insert Mode" only partially worked for me. It exited insert mode correctly but ignored the following keystroke. So typing Ctrl-C,j,j would exit insert but only go up one line instead of two.
