Determine if given job is currently running using Hudson/Jenkins API

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-30 04:53:37

As gareth_bowles and Sagar said, using the Jenkins API is the way to know. If you put the depth to 1, you will see what you're looking for:


You will see there's a <building> tag to tell if that build is running

        <shortDescription>Started by user Zageyiff</shortDescription>
  <fullDisplayName>Project #12</fullDisplayName>

If you go to your job's page, and add "api" to the end of the URL, you'll get information on using the API.


More information on using the Jenkins API:

I'm using the Groovy plug-in, and run the following snippet as system:

import hudson.model.*
def version = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("VERSION")
println "VERSION=$version"
def nextJobName = 'MY_NEXT_JOB'
def nextJob = Hudson.instance.getItem(nextJobName)
def running = nextJob.lastBuild.building
if (running) {
   println "${nextJobName} is already running. Not launching"
} else {
   println "${nextJobName} is not running. Launching..."
   def params = [
      new StringParameterValue('VERSION', version)
   nextJob.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(params))

It works like a charm.

If you're comfortable with digging through the Jenkins Java API, you could write a system Groovy script to get this data. The Job class is the place to start.
