Write C++ container that fits neatly into STL

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-30 03:45:30

It is not very difficult (for simple data stuctures). You should read the chapter about containers in the C++ standard. You can download the draft of the upcoming C++1x standard here :



You might want to use boost::iterateror_facade when writing the iterators.


I recommend reading Herb Sutter's "Unstrung". It's an in-depth look at std::string, covering what went right and what could've been done better. I highly value his opinion on C++ programming matters. It's a long read, but I guarantee you'll learn a few useful things about writing classes in the style of the C++ standard library (and about writing classes in general).

You could also take a look at Scott Meyers' Effective STL. That book will give you a good overview of the expectations levied on the users of standard library containers. Having that insight will help you write better container classes yourself.

I'd recommending reading Josuttis, The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference. It gives clear and easy to read explanations of the principles behind STL.

Besides the one recommended by user763305, I would also look at Austern, Generic Programmming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library. It discusses these sorts of issues and serves as a good reference for the concepts in STL.
