Is there an easy way to merge Localizable.strings files?

北城余情 提交于 2019-11-30 02:01:08

I just found the Localization Suite. Incredible powerful tool for free. I tried it on my project and it just works. Lacks documentation though.

I recommend Localizable Strings Merge too. I use it on my projects and it really a simple to use and powerful software.

I recently found a free app called Localizable Strings Merge on the Mac App Store. It does exactly what you ask and it is free. Hope it helps.

I use a script to run genstrings with existing translations merged automatically when I build a project. Updated strings are detected by git or another source control you use. The script supports storyboard and xib localization too.

To run the script automatically, put the script into your project root directory, and add a Run Script phase with the following line to a target build phases in your project settings.

./ PathToSourceDir

My script is based on the script in this post. I modified it to support Swift and to add the arguments.

What about 3rd party applications like BBEdit? After all Localizable.strings file is a text file. BBEdit has a find differences feature and you can merge from old to new or opposite.

If you install XCode, there is also a standard application installed to merge files called, you can find it in /Developer/Applications/

I'm not sure but ReSharper may help you. teake a look at it.
