Pandas import error when debugging using PVTS

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-29 14:21:06

This is a limitation of the way PTVS detects unhandled exceptions - it can't see the except-block that's going to catch this exception because it is in the code that is eval'd from a string. See the bug in the tracker for more details.

As a workaround, disable "Debug standard library" checked in Tools -> Options -> Python Tools -> Debugging - this should cause the exception to be ignored.

I had the same problem for a while, disabling "Debug standard library" didn't help, then I downloaded the latest version of Python (3.4), pip installed the libs (for example NLTK), and it worked!

I had a system crash while developing a PTVS app and then ran into this problem, re-running the Intellisense 'refresh DB' cleared it.

I faced the same issue, but just hitting 'Continue' will cause it to be ignored and the code execution will proceed in the usual way. Or you could uncheck the "Break when this exception type is user-handled" option that comes up in the dialog box displaying the error.
