Grails 2.0.4 Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing Springloaded

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-11-29 11:33:17

It looks like your PATH has not been updated correctly. In other words, you are running the 2.0.1 grails script with GRAILS_HOME set to 2.0.4. You can tell because the version of spring loaded reported in the error message - 1.0.2 - is not the one required by Grails 2.0.4 (to help others diagnose this issue).


I experienced this error too. The problem is spaces in the grails home path.

If it's this:

c:/grails 2.1.0/grails2.1.0

Then it will give an error, as there's a space between "grails" and "2.1.0". I just removed the spaces and it started working.

Have you cleared out the .grails folder in your home directory?

Grails caches a bunch of files in there, it could be that that is tripping you up.

I have had similar problems in the past when my internet connection wasn't a 100% reliable, it seems that the Grails downloader does not do thorough checking of downloaded files, so files in cache can become corrupt.

It's the folder hierarchy problem!

I have faced the same issue : when i set Grails_home make sure the path you are giving is e.g c:/grails2.1.0 and not c:/grails2.1.0/grails2.1.0

it often happens when you unzip the folder 2 folder with same name are created one inside another.

hope this will resolve!!!
