Live Chat Software for Websites [duplicate]

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-11-29 09:31:16


Possible Duplicate:
Recommended Live Chat software to add to a website?

What solutions are there for creating a live support chat tool on the website?

I would like to have it embedded (just like facebook chat for example, bottom of screen). A simple js i could load.

Important to note: one2one chat. Preferably with a desktop client for operators.

And, extra kudos for nice api's that we can later use to connect to our ruby website. I just checked out Pusher: looks great, but we have no time to implement it right now. Is there an easier "just paste & it works" kind of thing?

I checked out old posts:recommended-live-chat-software-to-add-to-a-website for example. But they all recommend all pretty old sites.

Hopefully there's an update out there? Bit nicer to use? Thanks!


There are a number of SaaS solutions out there, which seem to be what you're looking for as none of the FOSS ones are really polished or super simple; they also tend to be in PHP, and since you're using Ruby, there's no need to complicate stuff. I included them just in case.

I have tagged each solution with a list of the features that you wanted.


Many of these offer chat client integration, which allows you to have a makeshift desktop client.

  • Olark looks to be what all the cool kids are using these days (API | Chat Client Integration)
  • LivePerson is of course, the enterprise solution (API | Desktop Client)
  • ClickDesk (API | Chat Client Integration)
  • Bankle (API)
  • Kayako Much more of a full support solution, Tickets, etc. (API | Desktop Client)
  • vHelp Built around analytics, with a free version. (None)
  • Chatwoo (formerly Crafty Syntax) Don't let the site fool you, it is actively maintained.
  • Kommunicate) Human + bot hybrid customer support solution.

Self Hosted

As these are on your server, you can just interact with the database on your own, I omited the API tag.

  • Chatstack Actively maintained, self-hosted with desktop clients and API (API | Desktop Client)
  • PHP Live! 100% web based, using PHP and MySQL (Mobile Client)
  • WeLive Again, don't let the site fool you, it's new. I can't find docs or very much on it though. No Longer Active (Desktop Client)

