Recursive search on a collection in MongoDB

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-29 09:25:45

Starting from MongoDB 3.4, we can do this with the Aggregation Framework.

The first and most important stage in our pipeline is the $graphLookup stage. $graphLookup allows us to recursively match on the "parent" and "name" field. As result, we get the ancestors of each "name".

The next stage in the pipeline is the $match stage where we simply select the "name" we are interested in.

The final stage is the $addFields or $project stage where we apply an expression to the "ancestors" array using the $map array operator.

Of course with the $reverseArray operator we reverse our array in order to get the expected result.

        { "$graphLookup": { 
            "from": "collection", 
            "startWith": "$parent", 
            "connectFromField": "parent", 
            "connectToField": "name", 
            "as": "ancestors"
        { "$match": { "name": "D" } }, 
        { "$addFields": { 
            "ancestors": { 
                "$reverseArray": { 
                    "$map": { 
                        "input": "$ancestors", 
                        "as": "t", 
                        "in": { "name": "$$" }

If you are open to use client side javascript, you can use recursion on the mongo shell to achieve this:

var pushAncesstors = function (name, doc) {
  if(doc.parent) {
    db.collection.update({name : name}, {$addToSet : {"ancesstors" : {name : doc.parent}}});
    pushAncesstors(name, db.collection.findOne({name : doc.parent}))

db.collection.find().forEach(function (doc){
  pushAncesstors(, doc);

This will give you complete hirearchy for all products. Sample output:

{ "_id" : "1", "name" : "A", "parent" : "" }
{ "_id" : "2", "name" : "B", "parent" : "A", "ancesstors" : [ { "name" : "A" } ] }
{ "_id" : "3", "name" : "C", "parent" : "B", "ancesstors" : [ { "name" : "B" }, { "name" : "A" } ] }
{ "_id" : "4", "name" : "D", "parent" : "C", "ancesstors" : [ { "name" : "C" }, { "name" : "B" }, { "name" : "A" } ] }

If your requirement is not to update the correct collection, insert the data in a diffferent collection and update there. The pushAncesstors function will change to:

var pushAncesstors = function (name, doc) {
  if(doc.parent) {
    db.outputColl.update({name : name}, {$addToSet : {"ancesstors" : {name : doc.parent}}});
    pushAncesstors(name, db.collection.findOne({name : doc.parent}))