What are some reliable Flash obfuscators? [closed]

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-29 08:38:29

As you said obfuscator are just a way to make decompiled code less easier to read, it's not a reliable protection. You have instead to build your own protection to ensure that a variable is not modified, or is in acceptable range for an instant T, etc...

You can't trust any answer provided by a client but you have to check on the server side if all is ok.

Using a form of encryption will mostly do the trick, there are a couple of encryption libraries available for flash in as3, which can also be implemented on the server-side ASP or PHP.

If you want the game to only run on your server, you can also detect where the signal is sent from in your recieving trick, and ignore anything not coming from your domain. It will be a real pain to tamper with your codes, if you have to run from your dedicated domain to submit scores.

If you are still looking for a SWF obfuscator, I just release one I developed for the last project I worked on. It's still a work in progress but it's open source, free, and it worked for my project. See the github site for full details on usage and license.

