js2-refactor from melpa: Package `emacs-24.1' is unavailable

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-29 05:38:16

The reason for this can be a lingering old version of package.el in your load path. package.el was officially included in GNU Emacs 24, and the downloadable file for earlier Emacs versions doesn't support dependencies on built-in packages (emacs-24.1 is considered a built-in package here).

Type M-x locate-library RET package to find where Emacs is getting its package.el from. The path it shows should end with lisp/emacs-lisp/package.elc. If it doesn't, try getting rid of the indicated file (or changing the load path so Emacs doesn't find it).

I solved a similar issue by uninstalling and reinstalling emacs (macOS/homewbrew).
