Calculate balance with mysql

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-28 20:57:36

Short answer, yes

Longer answer, you can use a variable to tally it up as it iterates down the rows, i.e.

    @Balance := @Balance + `table`.`In` - `table`.`Out` AS `Balance`
FROM `table`, (SELECT @Balance := 0) AS variableInit
ORDER BY `table`.`ID` ASC

The , (SELECT @Balance := 0) AS variableInit ensures that @Balance is initialised to 0 before you start. For each row it then sets @Balance to be @Balance + In - Out, and then outputs the calculated value.

Also it's worth making certain the ORDER is consistent as otherwise the Balance will vary depending on what order the rows are returned. If you wanted to then order it back to front, for example, you could use this as a subquery as then the outer query deals with the calculated values thus ensuring the Balance remains correct i.e.

        @Balance := @Balance + `table`.`In` - `table`.`Out` AS `Balance`
    FROM `table`, (SELECT @Balance := 0) AS variableInit
    ORDER BY `table`.`ID` ASC
) AS `balanceCalculation`
ORDER BY `balanceCalculation`.`ID` DESC

The most simple answer would be:

       @running_bal := @running_bal + (`In` - `Out`)  as `Balance`
FROM   tableName, (SELECT @running_bal := 0) tempName

A simple LEFT JOIN will suffice:

SELECT t.ID, t.In, t.Out, (SUM(t2.In) - SUM(t2.Out)) Balance
FROM mytable t
    LEFT JOIN mytable t2 ON b2.ID <= b.ID

Or subquery (which as it turns out is about twice as fast)

SELECT t.ID, t.In, t.Out,
    (SELECT SUM(t2.In) - SUM(t2.Out) FROM mytable t2 WHERE t2.ID <= t.ID) Balance
FROM mytable t;