Bug in iPhone Simulator 5.1 with Xcode 4.5 using UIManagedDocument

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-28 19:50:10

I have the same problem under iPhone Simulator 5.1. The file is created after a long time (30 seconds). But the completion handler is never called. Did you try it on a device?

EDIT: This seems a bug in iOS Simulator 5.1. I compiled the code on my old iPad with iOS 5.1.1 and it worked without an error!

Can't say for your project, but here it definitely was Xcode 4.5.

I have a copy of Xcode 4.3.1 with Simulator 5.1 on a virtual machine, and guess what: that one works flawlessly

-> Xcode4.3.1/Simulator5.1 works!

-> Xcode4.5 /Simulator5.1 is faulty

-> Xcode4.5.1/Simulator5.1 is faulty

As a workaround you can download version 5.0 of the simulator in Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads. That one works.


I don't believe that the problem is in the simulator. I had exactly the same problem (app runs on 6.0 but not in 5.x) and I also tried to run it in a device and it happens exactly the same. (I explained my problem here)

My problem happens both in 5.0 and 5.1. For instance, I can't even run a "Master-detail Application" template properly in any iOS 5.x simulator, but it works fine in 6.0. Even if I try this template in a device, it doesn't work properly. So I really believe that the problem is in XCode 4.5.
