ShowcaseView - width and height must be > 0

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-28 13:59:31

This is a known issue : Github issues when updateBitmap() is called too early.
This issue comes from Bitmap.createBitmap() method either width or height equals to 0.
A workaround is to delay the ShowcaseView creation more: Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        // display ShowcaseView here

You could also change the updateBitmap() method from the library to not create the bitmap if the view width or height is wrong.

Wessel du Plooy

Had the same problem, and posted my solution in another thread:

I changed the ShowcaseView class slightly

go to com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview.ShowcaseView and change this method

private void updateBitmap() {
        if ((bitmapBuffer == null || haveBoundsChanged()) && getMeasuredHeight() > 0 && getMeasuredWidth() > 0) {
            if(bitmapBuffer != null)
            int width = getMeasuredWidth();
            int height = getMeasuredHeight();
            if(width > 0 && height > 0)
                bitmapBuffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);


This was a bug in ShowcaseView, and was fixed starting in v5.4.2:

So, you can just update your build.gradle to:

compile 'com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview:library:5.4.2'
