Implementing Custom Profile Provider in ASP.NET MVC

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-28 08:46:39
Russell Steen

The most likely cause is that

myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", (string)context["FirstName"]);

(string)context["FirstName"] is a null value. Even if you pass in a parameter to a sproc, if the value is null on a required parameter, then you will see this error. SQL Server (effectively) does not differentiate between a parameter not passed, and one passed with a null value.

You're seeing a SQL error. This is unrelated to MVC and MVC isn't really causing your problem. Determine if null is a valid value context["FirstName"], and if so, change your function to accept null values. If not, find out why context["FirstName"] is null.

Also, I don't think this line is going to add your parameter names correctly (with the "@" prefix).

myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(value.Name, value.PropertyValue);

Also, since this is MVC, make sure you have a control named FirstName on the form posting to:

public ActionResult CreateProfile(string Username, string Password, string FirstName, string LastName)

It reads fields based on the name, not the ID

Yeah, it's because I'm using a class for my properties, ProfileCommon that inherits from ProfileBase.

public class ProfileCommon : ProfileBase
public virtual string Label
        return ((string)(this.GetPropertyValue("Label")));
        this.SetPropertyValue("Label", value);

public virtual string FirstName
        return ((string)(this.GetPropertyValue("FirstName")));
        this.SetPropertyValue("FirstName", value);

public virtual string LastName
        return ((string)(this.GetPropertyValue("LastName")));
        this.SetPropertyValue("LastName", value);

public virtual ProfileCommon GetProfile(string username)
    return Create(username) as ProfileCommon;

You can see that I'm using this class in the Web.Config file:

<profile enabled="true"

And with ASP.Net MVC, if I wrote my properties in Web.Config, I cannot access them using Profile.PropertyName anymore. Maybe there's a way, but I don't find any examples.
