Using Hiphop for PHP extension development

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-28 05:51:02


Hiphop converts PHP into C++ code, did anyone used it for PHP extension development?

I have found following link to write PHP extensions using C++

I want to write some PHP classes and convert them into C++ and use it in PHP extension.

Please let me know if anyone did that and also any thoughts are welcomed.


As far as I know, the point of HipHop is to bypass PHP's Virtual Machine known as Zend Engine.

In order to create a PHP extension, you have to hook into the Zend Engine.

So if HipHop bypasses the execution done by ZE, I don't see how it'd be possible to create a PHP class that gets translated to C++ one that would then be used to create an extension.

HipHop doesn't convert PHP source code, it converts the BYTE code. It's a huge difference, if it were the former.. would there be a need for using another language? :)

