Can you remove an Add-ed Type in PowerShell again?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-28 05:37:57

Like the others say, this is a .NET behavior. Assemblies loaded into an AppDomain cannot be unloaded. Only the AppDomain can be unloaded, and powershell uses a single appdomain. I blogged a bit about this some years ago:

When I test like this, I usually keep a shell open and use a nested shell to do tests. start powershell, cd to bin location then run "powershell" to start nested shell (new process.) "exit" to start over, and run "powershell" again.


I find the simplest way to get around this problem is to wrap the Add-Type and the test code inside of a Start-Job. Start-Job will create a background process, and the type will be loaded there. Once you are done, the process goes away and you're free to retry.

Here's an example of how it looks:

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {

    Add-Type -path 'my.dll'
    $myObj = new-object My.MyTestClassName

    $result = $myObj.TestMethod
Wait-Job $job
Receive-Job $job

The output from the test method will be echoed to the console.

If your assembly doesn't require a binding context you can do this:

$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("Path_To_Your_Dll.dll")

Here is a complete example that allows to run the Add-Type command as a background job so that the assembly is unloaded once it finishes:

# Start-Job will not preserve the working directory, so do it manually
# Other arguments can also be passed to the job this way
$cd = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$jobParams = @{
    'cd' = $cd

Start-Job -InputObject $jobParams -ScriptBlock {
    cd $
    Add-Type -Path assembly.dll
} | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob

Receive-Job -Wait will make sure that the output of the job is received since otherwise it will be lost.

I have been facing to similar problem. It is not possible to unload a type/assembly (that's because it applies to .NET framework).

In .NET you can solve it if you crate a new application domain (System.AppDomain) and load the assembly into that domain. It is possible to unload the app domain and that unloads all the dlls as well.

I haven't tried it yet, because for me it is much simpler to close a tab in Console and open new one.
