How to add WAR inside EAR with Maven

前提是你 提交于 2019-11-28 04:33:47

I'd create a new module that has <packaging>ear</packaging>.

In the dependencies for this ear module, include your war module:


Now in the build plugins for this ear module, include the maven-ear-plugin like, e.g.:


You can change the specific configuration values for the webModule as required.

Now create a parent module (with <packaging>pom</packaging>) and add the war module and the ear module to it. Make sure you set the <parent> of the war and ear modules corrently.

When you run mvn package for this new parent, a war file will be built by the war module and an ear file (containing the war) will be built by the ear module.

Add WAR as dependency and use maven ear plugin. Then use ear:generate-application-xml goal and finally ear:ear goal.
