Spotify Web API special characters

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-02-20 05:13:05


Is there any documentation for the Spotify Web API as to which characters are valid when searching? For example "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis" needs the & to be url encoded in order for the request to work.

The character ":" is completely invalid it seems. In order to search for an album like "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded", I have to remove the : completely from the String. Even URL encoding it doesn't work. This probably was to do with the fact that : seems to be used to separate the fields of the query.

Other characters like .[()/ seem to work ok. Any docs on this anywhere? Just want to know we are being comprehensive. Thanks.


Given the Björk example here,

You'll need percent encoding. Not sure what technology you're using, if javascript, this answer should help - URL encode sees “&” (ampersand) as “&” HTML entity.


Colons are special characters used for advanced search. Queries involving colons need to be quoted, unless it's an advanced search :).

