DAX FORMAT function cause cartesian product on Power BI visual

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-20 03:50:22


I have the following SSAS Tabular model defined:

On the Product table, I have the following measures defined:

  1. DeliveryQty2018:= CALCULATE ( SUM ( PurchaseDelivery[PurchaseOrderQuantity] ), ( PurchaseEstimatedWarehouseArrivalDate[PurchaseEstimatedWarehouseArrivalYear] = 2018 ) )
  2. DeliveryQty2019:= CALCULATE ( SUM ( PurchaseDelivery[PurchaseOrderQuantity] ), ( PurchaseEstimatedWarehouseArrivalDate[PurchaseEstimatedWarehouseArrivalYear] = 2019 ) )
  3. Sum DeliveryQty 2018-2020: = FORMAT([DeliveryQty2018] + [DeliveryQty2019] + [DeliveryQty2020],"# ### ###")

I'm creating a table visual on my Power BI report, that consists of the following fields:

This combinations gives me a cartesian product of: Product X ProductCategory:

What's interesting, when I remove the FORMAT() wrapper for the Sum DeliveryQty 18-20, cartesian product is removed and I achieve the single record I was loooking for. However, if I remove the ProductCategory field and leave the Sum DeliveryQty 18-20 measure with the FORMAT() function in place I also get the single record..

Can anyone explain to me what's going here in both scenarios?


FORMAT turns blanks (nulls) into empty strings "" rather than proper blanks, so you probably want to check for that first before formatting.

Sum DeliveryQty 2018-2020: =
VAR Qty = [DeliveryQty2018] + [DeliveryQty2019] + [DeliveryQty2020]
    IF ( ISBLANK ( Qty ), BLANK(), FORMAT ( Qty, "# ### ###" ) )

